Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training

February 2023 | NYC and online


25-Hour DEI Training

The Yoga Common, NYC and via Livestream

February 10- 12, 2023

February 17 -19, 2023

Yoga is commonly presented as a space and practice for every-body, equally available, accessible, and beneficial to all, regardless of who the practitioner is or where they may come from. But it doesn’t take long to realize that for too long now, these spaces have been predominantly occupied by fit, affluent, white women. Thankfully, a much needed wave of change is moving through as many individuals begin to ask themselves the hard questions and view these rituals as a practice of self preservation, transformation, and in service of social justice.

One of the most common questions is simply, where to begin. What elements of yoga culture are so deeply embedded, we may not realize that they’re impeding the creation of actually diverse, inclusive, and welcoming spaces. How can we as teachers broaden our awareness and perspectives to consider other as-lived experiences?

This 25-hour training will lay the foundation for students and teachers to equip themselves with the tools needed to foster inclusive, diverse, and equitable communities within and beyond the studio. We’ll start by considering our own identities and experiences in wellness spaces and develop a common language that we’ll reference throughout the training. We’ll explore topics like yoga’s roots, cultural appropriation, oppression, privilege, and systemic racism, and layer on practical tools for holding space and facilitating classes for actually diverse populations across gender identity, cultural backgrounds, body size, and ability. Whether actively teaching or not, expect to leave the training refreshed, inspired, and well equipped to create and integrate accessible, inclusive practices that will serve you and your students in yoga spaces and beyond.

Hours bankable toward 300-hour Yoga Alliance Certification